Tuesday, October 6, 2009

250 Business Card Giveaway! CLOSED

I have the pleasure to anounce that Uprinting.com is giving me the chance to post my very first giveaway.  What you are able to win are 250 Business cards directly from Uprinting.com.  You can customize the cards anyway you like!  You can use these cards anyway you like too!  Maybe to promote your blog or your charity, anything will do!

So how do you enter to win this fabulous prize, you may be asking?
Tell me how you would plan on using the business cards? (required)

Extra Entries (Please leave a comment for each entry you make)

  • Blog about this giveaway ~ Leave your URL to the entry (also make a point to have uprinting.com in the post as well as mine!)
  • Tweet about this giveaway ~ Leave your twitter name
  • Follow me on twitter
  • Follow me using Google Connect~ Leave your name
  • Follow me using Networkedblogs on FB
  • Share this giveaway on Facebook
  • Subscribe to my blog
  • Fan me on Facebook
Make sure you leave your email address and name so I can notify who the winner is.  Last day to enter will be on October 20th, Winners will be announced October 22, all Business Card Prizes will be awarded by coupon code on October 23, 2009.  Winners will be chosen randomly at random.org.

Small print:  I am also receiving 250 business cards as well for posting this giveaway.


  1. I am following your blog with Google Connect as Erica!

  2. I would use these business cards to promote my blog. I have been watching for a giveaway with business cards, so this is great!

  3. I would get business cards!

  4. I follow on networked blogs!

  5. I follow on twitter!

  6. I follow this blog,jennette6963@msn.com

  7. Thank you for following me from Mom Bloggers Club - What a nice way to start Monday :)
    I am looking for business cards for my business ReFashioned Threads and winning them would nice!
    Have a Blessed Day!

  8. I am starting my own photography business and have been looking for someone to print some business cards. What a perfect chance for me! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  9. I would use them for my new blog! http://www.savingmomsmoney.com

    Cool giveaway!

  10. I would use them for my new business, Charitable Creations Jewelry!


  11. I subscribe to your blog


  12. I would use them to promote my photography business

  13. I'd use them for my freelance writing business.
    carmensechristjunk at gmail dot com
