Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ebeanstalk Pacifier Review Opportunity

We've been asked to test a brand new children's pacifier that could soon be available on the market for children ages 6 months to 24 months.

This pacifier is manufactured by a leading brand in the child nursing category. The main objective of this test is to see what share of

children take this pacifier vs. what share reject it. Results from this

test will help determine how viable this new product will be


IF YOU ARE A BLOGGER, WE ASK THAT YOU DON'T BLOG ABOUT THIS NEW PACIFIER. Instead, we will give you a free age-appropriate toy that you may blog about if you'd like.

If you would like to participate, please reply to with your mailing address and the specific age in months of your child (must be 6-24 months of age).

After you receive the pacifier and have a few days to try it, we will email you the link to a survey where you can tell us your experiences with

this new product. Specific instructions will arrive with the pacifiers

concerning how to use them for this test. Each respondent will receive

two identical pacifiers.

If you do not have a child 6 to 24 months, but know moms that do, feel free to forward this.

Thanks in advance for your support,

Meg Whitaker


203-301-4141 203-301-4141

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